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Updated 2011-06-26: Fixed the description of the internal layout of `cookbooks.tar.gz`.

In my last blog post about EC2, I closed by mentioning that CloudInit has a 16K limit on user data, into which it can be difficult to shoehorn complex server configurations. One way around that is a configuration management tool; I’ll look at one called Chef.

Mise en place

Chef is a software package that runs recipes describing actions to perform (creating or editing files, downloading data, etc.), applying attributes as necessary for per-instance configuration (such as differences between staging and production servers). Normally, recipes and other data are staged to a central configuration server (either Opscode’s or one you host yourself), but for simplicity’s sake I’m going to use Chef Solo, which doesn’t use a central server but assumes that all the necessary files are local. 1

In the discussion below, node refers to a computer on which Chef Solo is being run. In most cases, it will probably be a server, but I suppose Opscode chose to use a different term to avoid confusion between the Chef server and a Chef client, the latter of which runs on the node.


There are three pieces to a Chef Solo implementation, besides Chef itself.

  1. A script which configures chef-solo; for the purposes of this document, I’ll be calling it config.rb.
  2. A tarball containing the recipes and roles to use; for the purposes of this document, I’ll be calling it cookbooks.tar.gz.
  3. A JSON fragment containing the attributes configuring the node; for the purposes of this document, I’ll be calling it mynode.json.

Examples of each of these three are presented below, and can also be downloaded from this web site.

First course: config.rb (download)

The configuration file specifies where Chef Solo puts its working files, and other runtime options like logging. Chef provides a DSL, which simplifies the syntax. There are two required attributes:

Not required but very useful is recipe_url. This is a URL pointing to the cookbooks tarball (described in more detail below). You can pass this URL to chef-solo when you run it, but I use the same tarball for all of our servers, and I like to minimize typing where possible. 2

A full list of attributes can be seen at However, note that not all of those attributes are used by Chef Solo.

  file_cache_path  "/var/chef"
  cookbook_path    "/var/chef/cookbooks"
  recipe_url       ""
  log_level        :info
  log_location     "/var/log/chef.log"  # or STDOUT
  verbose_logging  true

Second course: cookbooks.tar.gz (download)

The cookbooks tarball contains the recipes 3 that Chef Solo will reference when running. This is something that you have to build yourself; think of it as your personal playlist of cookbooks selected from all the cookbooks out there. At a minimum, the tarball should have an internal layout something like:


If you include roles, they should be in a directory named roles at the top level, as a sibling of cookbooks.

Premade cookbooks can be found in a number of places.

Third course: mynode.json (download)

The first two parts of Chef Solo can be common to all nodes configured by Chef, and in fact that’s how I use it. The third part is where you give attributes specific to a single node.

The good news is that it’s a JSON fragment, so it’s a standard data format which you’re likely to already be familiar with. The bad news is that it’s a JSON fragment, which means that’s it’s extremely sensitive to bad syntax (like dangling commas) and you aren’t allowed to comment in-line.

The most important part of the JSON fragment is the run_list value. This tells Chef Solo what recipes 4 to use to configure the node. The remainder of the JSON fragment supplies data used by the recipes. Obviously, the data supplied depends on the recipes; you’ll need to check the documentation.

    "run_list": [

    "fqdn": "",
    "servername": "mynode",
    "domain": "",
    "ip_address": "",
    "timezone": "US/Central",

    "postfix": {
      "mail_type": "default"

    "rvm": {
      "version": "head",
      "track_updates": true,
      "ruby": {
        "version": "1.9.2",
        "default": true

Recipes should list other recipes they depend on in their metadata, so the order of recipes in the run list should not be significant. I’m not sure how much to trust the declared dependencies, so I list recipes in the order in which I want them run.

Allez cuisine!

Now that we have all the parts, let’s put them together.

Remember that we’re using CloudInit to initialize our Amazon EC2 instance. The easiest way to do this in my experience is to write a shell script that sets up and runs Chef, and have CloudInit run it. There’s a fair amount that needs to go in this script, but it’s well under the 16K limit, and only one thing that needs to change for any given node.

First, upload your cookbooks tarball, the configuration script, and the JSON fragment to some place reachable by a freshly-started EC2 instance; Amazon S3 is as good a place as any.

Second, create a shell script something like the following and save it locally. You can upload it to the same place as the other files for safekeeping, but it needs to be readable as a file by the ec2run command. (If you want, you can download it from this web site.)


  # start EC2 instance with
  # $ ec2run ami-8c1fece5 --instance-type t1.micro --group sg-XXXXXX --key $EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME \
  #          -f
  # followed by:
  # $ ec2addtag i-XXXXXXXX --tag Name=mynode

  # update system software
  yum -y upgrade
  yum -y install gcc make ruby ruby-devel ruby-libs rubygems

  # update RubyGems
  gem update --system

  # install Chef
  gem install chef ohai --no-rdoc --no-ri

  mkdir -p /etc/chef

  # get Chef Solo configuration
  curl -o /etc/chef/solo.rb

  # run Chef
  chef-solo -c /etc/chef/config.rb \

Finally, create the new EC2 instance, passing the name of the shell script with the -f parameter.

The commands to update Yum and Rubygems aren’t strictly necessary, but I like knowing that when Chef runs, it has access to the most recent distribution packages and Ruby gems.

Don’t forget to tip your server

So, what happened?

When Chef Solo is invoked, it loads the configuration script (specified by the -c parameter), then downloads the cookbooks tarball to file_cache_path and expands it into cookbook_path. Then it downloads the JSON fragment (specified by the -j parameter), parses it, and begins executing the run list. By the time it finishes, you have a fully-configured node.

Since my nodes run in Amazon EC2, it’s impossible to tell when Chef Solo has finished running. I have cobbled together a little Ruby script which sends me an instant message via Jabber on completion; I’ll clean that up and elaborate more in a future blog post.


Many thanks to Fabio Akita for Cooking Solo with Chef, which pointed me in the right direction for jumping headlong in to Chef.

  1. Which sounds like we’re going to run into the 16K limit again. Bear with me. 

  2. Not that you’d know it from reading this blog. Unless you look at the posting frequency. 

  3. And roles, which I’ll talk about in a future post. 

  4. See footnote 3.